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Table of Contents: Life Insurance Whole Life Insurance For Self Financing Personal Savings Home Equity Loans Investments and Securities Credit Cards Reasons to Choose Self-Financing Is Self-Financing Right For Your Business? 78% of small-business owners take the initiative to self-finance their businesses, utilizing their personal funds or assets for building the business. Self-financing a small …


Table of Contents: What Is a Sinking Fund? Sinking Fund vs. Savings Account: What’s The Difference? Sinking Fund vs. Emergency Fund: What’s The Difference? Advantages of Sinking Funds How to Create a Sinking Fund How Many Sinking Funds Should I Have? Using Whole Life Insurance as a Sinking Fund Now What? Sinking funds! Ever wondered …


Table of Contents: What Is Passive Income? 10 Passive Income Ideas To Build Wealth How Taxes Play Into Passive Income Using Life Insurance To Cover Assets Moving Forward You know, when it comes to building up your wealth and getting ready for the golden years of retirement, passive income is your secret weapon. It’s like …


Inflation 2024

Type: podcasts

Inflation is like a thief that never comes. It is good to protect yourself from inflation in every way you can. The bible says that if the man of the house knew what time the thief was coming he would be on the alert and not let his house be broken into. We know the …


It’s new. It looks exciting. But is it worth it?  Indexed whole life insurance provides life insurance coverage and the potential for accelerated cash value growth through indexed mirroring accounts.   Individuals who are interested in investing may find this type of plan attractive, especially when viewing the non-guaranteed projections for potential growth.  But it’s …


Imagine this: nearly seven out of ten people look back at buying their homes and say, “Oops, I wish I hadn’t done that.” Surprising, right? Well, a whopping 68% express regret over their home purchase, mainly because they saw others suffer during the 2008 economic downturn and the following recession, and now they’re like, “Maybe …


George Clason, who wrote The Richest Man in Babylon, came up with the 10-20-70 Rule. In his book, he shares a story about an egg merchant who wanted to know the secret of the gold merchant’s success. The gold merchant was happy to share his secret because the egg merchant wasn’t asking for his gold …


Many parents hope to offer a financial headstart to their children and even sometimes their grandchildren. From college savings to personal inheritances, parents often strive to establish generational wealth. However, generational wealth isn’t just about leaving an inheritance—it’s about leaving a legacy.  Effective financial planning is crucial to establishing generational wealth. Money is an important …


In 2004, we bought a house for $304,000 with no down payment and a 30-year mortgage at a 4% annual interest rate. This set our monthly mortgage payments at $1,451.34. You can verify these figures using mortgage calculators like the one available on Dollartimes. Fast forward 16 years, and the value of our house had …


Table of Contents: A Budget System That Works Use Whole Life Insurance KEY POINTS Warren’s 50/20/30 Rule: Elizabeth Warren proposes allocating 50% of income to essentials, 20% to savings, and 30% for personal wants. This budgeting framework is aimed at balancing financial obligations, savings, and leisure. Practicality Concerns: This article highlights a discrepancy between Warren’s …

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