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In 1923 a school of thought was founded in Frankfurt Germany which today is commonly referred to Critical Theory but was initially called The Frankfurt School.  The idea of Critical Theory was formulated by a group of Marxists who appreciated the fact that the Revolutionary Socialists had failed in Russia, and the Revisionist Marxist were …


Uninformed or unscrupulous advisors have been guilty of telling others NOT to purchase life insurance. Their reason for spreading this propaganda varies from being naïve as to how life insurance works, to being over desirous of wanting to manage more of their clients’ money.  Either way, those who listen to such advice lose out financially. …


In the latter part of the 17th century Isaac Newton, the brilliant young scientist, and Robert Hooke, a learned member of the elite, were at rivalry.  Hooke, who was jealous of Newton’s young brilliant mind, had attempted to smear Newton and keep him from being elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1672.  In …


Paul “Bear” Bryant quipped, “Offense sells tickets, but defense wins championships.”  Few investors or advisors pay enough attention to the downside risks associated with wealth building.  Yet, without using safeguards to defensively protect wealth generated, the risk is high that losses will be greater than the gains scored over the long run. This is one …


“If I was counseling an individual, and my purpose was to help that individual, the most important thing would be that you should save more.” Says Robert J. Shiller, an American economist, Nobel Peace prize winner, academic professor at Yale University, and best-selling author. Taking note from Professor Shiller, saving money is one of the …


Equity, debt and hybrid securities are readily transferable units of goods or resources which either provide ownership, the option for ownership, or the right to be paid back on an assumed debt(loan) over a specific period of time.  The idea that securities acquired their name because they keep your money secure is a huge misnomer. …


Have you ever heard someone lamenting they did not buy and hold stock in Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, or Tesla when those stocks were cheap? A lot of people invest in the stock market in hopes of making their money work for them, but over the long haul, it is rare to find people who do …


It is amazing what people believe in!  It begins when we’re young, back when we were told to believe in the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus or even Cupid, as if real. Real enough to make things happen which ordinarily couldn’t happen without truly believing. As young adults we were told to believe …


“Diversification,” according to Warren Buffet, “is protection against ignorance. It makes little sense for those who know what they’re doing.”  This is because diversification for most financial planners and investors merely means spreading your equity across multiple asset classes in hopes of avoiding correlated losses from occurring all at the same time.  But does it …


Residual income is commonly confused with passive income. Although the two terms are often used interchangeably there are some important technical differences. Some people find it easier to think of residual income as cash flow. Whether you are working in Personal or Corporate Finance, a strong residual income is highly desired, because it is an …

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