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In a recent study it was discovered that the average American will spend $120,000 on alcohol during their lifetime. That comes to $2,400 per year, or $6.57 each and every day, for 50 years.  This daily cost exceeds the average cost of a six pack. And that means a lot of alcohol is purchased by …


Recent audits show that Medicare will run out of funding by 2026. And Social Security will be depleted by 2035 and that includes the funds that pay for hospitalization, long term care and hospice. The latest data are based on the projections of an audit performed by the trustees of these funds who are appointed …


You wouldn’t work very long without some form of compensation.  But you might be stunned how many people permit their money to work for nearly nothing. Jeff and Jim are twin brothers.  Jeff believes he can consistently earn 8% in his portfolio and decides he’s going to put $2,600 each year into his investment. Jim …


Life expectancies have dropped over the last three years in the United States, unlike between 1980 and 2014 when most of the United States experienced a boost in life expectancy.  Today despite “medical advances” (and too often because of those advances) life expectancies are on the decline. Statistically, death due to medical intervention, according to …


It has now been over 10 years since the market crash of 2008.  And during the past decade, many have been lulled into believing that the high yields they have earned during that time are sustainable.  People have, once again, come to trust in dividend-paying stocks as safe and secure investments because they have forgotten …


Charlie Elliot was a multimillionaire.  He had worked hard his entire life farming.  And over the years he had added land and wealth to his estate. One piece of land he acquired required substantial clearing before it was even fit to run cattle on.  So, Charlie purchased a bulldozer and excavator to get the job …


Did you know that 2018 was the worst year in the US stock market since 2008? Learn from 2018 and build a resilient toughness 💪 into your financial future for 2019 and beyond. Happy New Year! Read more about the value of a Volatility Buffer in retirement here Call 702-660-7000 for your personal strategy session.


Some days have evolved into being widely celebrated while others are just regular days even though they were once traditional holidays.  Boxing Day, the day after Christmas, is one of those days.  Once widely celebrated, it is mostly forgotten today. But dating from the early 13th century a “Poor Box” was opened and distributions were …


My dad died on January 1, 2016. And Mom lost the income that came from his pension.  She also lost her Social Security but was able to continue receiving Dad’s. Even so, $1,100 and some odd change each month isn’t enough to live on.  And that is why as a married woman, you need to …


In front of me is an Index Universal Life Insurance (IUL) illustration.  A prospect emailed it to us because his agent had promised he could receive $31,000 a year in retirement income annually for the rest of his life if he would pay a total of $183,000 in premium over the next twenty years. Here …

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