Sawdust Piling Up

In a Strategy Session with Dr. Tom McFie, the “Man Who Beat the Bankers” and his son John, the “Numbers Guy” Dr. Tom cautioned me to be careful not to over extend myself and to allow my present G.A.M. E. (Guaranteed, Available, Manageable, Equity) plan to continue to advance down the financial field.

That same day Dr. Tom and John published Episode 42 of Wealth Talks, March 8, 2016.  Near the end of the episode, Dr. Tom mentioned an interesting comparison that he had learned from Dr. Brad Glowaki.  The comparison likened the shavings and sawdust of a wood carver to money.  Dr. Tom warned that if the focus of a financial manager or agent is on the commissions or fees (sawdust) and not the the client (the masterpiece), the end result would be a carving full of gouges and misplaced cuts.

I immediately saw the connection between the “caution” Dr. Tom and John gave me during my financial G.A.M.E. strategy and a similar analogy.  I live in the Adirondack State Park of New York State, nearly six million acres of state forest.  That is an area of 3,125 square miles.  As one could imagine, lumber milling is a major industry.

In my home town, we have a small family owned sawmill that has been in operation since the 1950’s.  Growing up, I would often see the prominent sawdust pile getting larger as the years went by.  Then one day it disappeared! 

As lumber demands increased and technology advanced, sawdust, what was once a waste product, became a valuable resource.  Now the sawdust is sold to other companies who make a variety of different wood products.  The mill is now recovering some of the cost of production by the sale of the sawdust.

Milling logs is an evolving science. The sawyer needs to understand how to measure a log to produce the most board feet.  He then needs to understand the different types of wood and how to cut for grade and quality.  The sawyer can flitch cut, grade cut, or quarter saw cut.

Another important consideration is the saw blade, its teeth, and type. Traditional blades were circular, but many of today’s mills are now using band saw blades.  Successful mills need to continually research and change with the supply and demand for the product, new technology, and costs of production.

After listening to the broadcast about the carver and the sawdust relating to money, I envisioned my personal financial G.A.M.E. likened to the local sawmill.  I used to “lumber” my way through the monthly expenses producing more sawdust than lumber.  Saw blades were not chosen and sharpened to cut with efficiency, wasting hard earned money.  This process went on for years as I played the “pay for cash” game and ended up at almost zero every month.  I was diligent about being successful, but like the sawdust of yesteryear, my efforts and money kept piling up as sawdust—not producing the security and wealth I was hoping for in my retirement years.  I didn’t have much to show as a legacy for my family.

After learning about The Perpetual Wealth Code™ of McFie Insurance, I started to learn how to apply new strategies and new tools for my finances.  Like the sawyer, I began to realize how to retool my financial G.A.M.E. by using the strategies and techniques taught by McFie Insurance.  I began researching and applying those new G.A.M.E. plans.

Perpetual_Wealth_Code.jpgIt has been just a few months since my first phone call to McFie Insurance.  Today, my family is already benefiting.  The sawdust waste pile is starting to disappear.  Money formerly shipped out for monthly expenses, lost forever, is now being recaptured using The Perpetual Wealth Code™.  I have purchased participating whole life policies for myself and family members that are providing the safety, security, and certainty for present and future financial prosperity.

If you feel your sawdust pile is mounding up and not producing for you, you might want to consider retooling your financial mill.

Research McFie Insuranceand Dr. Tom’s Perpetual Wealth Code.™  The McFie InsuranceTeam has worked with me and changed my financial G.A.M.E.  They might have some helpful suggestions for you as well.